Are you ready to take control of your journey as a military spouse? Mindfully Military is here to help you do just that. Our gratitude and self-reflection journal is designed to empower you on your path to greater well-being, adaptability, and fulfillment. We are here to help you find peace and gratitude in the midst of chaos. Each week, you'll find pages filled a prompt and exercises to help you cultivate a daily gratitude practice, reflect on your experiences, and set intentions for the future. You'll also find positive affirmations and mindfulness exercises to help you decompress and express creativity. At Mindfully Military, we know that the military lifestyle can be challenging, but we also know that it can be deeply rewarding. That's why we've created this weekly journal with twelve different themes to help you harness the power of gratitude and self-reflection to empower your journey. Whether you're facing a deployment, a PCS move, or day to day challenges, Mindfully Military is here to support you every step of the way. Join us on this journey of empowerment and order your copy of Mindful Moments for Military Spouses today.
Book Title: Mindfully Military: Mindful Moments for Military Spouses
Book Author: Alexis Mills-Harlow
Co-Author: N/A
Format: Softback
Type: other
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