
Enhance criminal justice reform and facilitate successful reentry into society with comprehensive programs. Discover the impact of effective rehabilitation and support systems for individuals transitioning from incarceration to a productive life. Explore the benefits of community engagement, education, and job training, as well as the positive outcomes associated with reducing recidivism rates. Uncover the significance of implementing evidence-based practices and policies to foster lasting change in the criminal justice system and promote a more equitable and inclusive society.

I advocate for full inclusion of LGBT people in the military

I advocate for full inclusion of LGBT people in the military

Theresa Carpenter

Theresa Carpenter 05/31/2023 11:50am 2 minute read

Speakers | Reentry

Chef Keeps It Fresh From The Streets To The Sweets

Chef Keeps It Fresh From The Streets To The Sweets

Aaron Smith

Aaron Smith 05/24/2023 5:38pm 35 minute read


The Urban Trucker Lynn Barksdale

The Urban Trucker Lynn Barksdale

Aaron Smith

Aaron Smith 05/16/2023 10:05am 52 minute read


Richard Bronson|A Wolf Of Wall Street to Federal Prison

Richard Bronson|A Wolf Of Wall Street to Federal Prison

Aaron Smith

Aaron Smith 04/27/2023 11:16am 42 minute read


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