Mario P. Fields Still Serving and Unarmored

Mario P. Fields Still Serving and Unarmored

Mario P. Fields Mario P. Fields
3 minute read

Mario P. Field's still serving and unarmored. Mario P. Fields is a retired Sergeant Major of the United States Marine Corps, a veteran with 26 years of service to his country. After retiring from the military, he embarked on a new journey as an entrepreneur, podcaster, YouTuber, contractor facilitator for the Department of Labor, and Co-Founder & CEO of Global Inspirational Speakers, LLC.

Global Inspirational Speakers is in the business of creating opportunities and unleashing potential. Mario is proud to offer public speaking services that meet a wide range of business needs, including developing managers to use positive leadership actions, supporting youth development, managing change, thriving during a crisis, creative and innovative thinking, and more. Whether for-profit or nonprofit, Global Inspirational Speakers can find speakers who are ready to meet unique needs.

In addition to his work with Global Inspirational Speakers, Mario is also the host of the Unarmored Talk podcast, where he provides candid conversations with leaders from all walks of life on a variety of topics, including leadership, personal development, and overcoming obstacles.

Mario is also a dedicated philanthropist and community leader, founding Still Serving, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that helps enhance the professional development of high school students in underserved communities. Still Serving's Adopt-a-School program strives to accomplish its mission, vision, and program goals through collaborative school, community, and industry partnerships, including increasing student access to comprehensive academic and career-readiness software, information, and resources, and facilitating access to skills-based learning and employment opportunities.

Mario has developed, managed, and led diverse teams throughout the United States, Persian Gulf, Mediterranean Sea, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Africa, Australia, Cambodia, Philippines, South Korea, Mainland Japan, Okinawa, Thailand, Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

Throughout his career, Mario has served as a Senior Executive Consultant for six organizations larger than 1,000 employees, cultivating strong domestic, international, and global relationships and partnerships. He served as the subject matter expert for assessing and developing efficient organizational structures, positive organizational cultures, leadership development, onboarding, retention, conflict resolution processes, and public speaking opportunities. He also advised multiple CEOs and COOs on all corporate decisions.

Looking ahead, Mario remains committed to his mission of helping others achieve their full potential and live their best lives. He is excited about the opportunities that lie ahead and is eager to continue making a positive impact in the world. His reputation reflects unquestionable integrity, resilience, and accountability, and he has a strong passion for helping other people achieve their life goals.

Resources: Mario P. Fields Still Serving and Unarmored

Mario P. Fields Still Serving and Unarmored

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