May Blog: The Power of Persistence

May Blog: The Power of Persistence

Shelley Jeffcoat (Mrs PIE) Shelley Jeffcoat (Mrs PIE)
3 minute read

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May Blog The power of persistence

Welcome to our May Blog, The Power of Persistence.

This month, we'll talk about the power of persistence and share insights on how you can keep going when you feel like giving up.

Do you ever feel like giving up on your goals or dreams? Maybe you've hit a roadblock or encountered a setback, and you're not sure if you have what it takes to keep going. If so, you're not alone. Everyone experiences moments of doubt and discouragement, but the key to success is persistence.

Watch our recent interview on joy with Cindi Cohn!

Here are some tips for staying motivated and exercise the power of persistence:


Remember why you started. When you're feeling discouraged, it can be helpful to remind yourself of the reasons why you started pursuing your goal in the first place. What inspired you to take this path, and what do you hope to achieve? Keeping these motivations in mind can help you stay focused and committed.


Break it down. If your goal feels overwhelming or unattainable, try breaking it down into smaller, more manageable steps. Focus on accomplishing one task at a time and celebrate each small victory along the way. This will help you stay motivated and build momentum.


Stay flexible. Sometimes, the path to success takes unexpected twists and turns. Be open to adjusting your approach if something isn't working and be willing to try new strategies. Remember that setbacks are just opportunities to learn and grow.


Surround yourself with support. It can be difficult to stay motivated on your own. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and your goals, and who will encourage and support you when you're feeling discouraged. Join a community or seek out a mentor who can offer guidance and inspiration.

Keep going and don't give up!


Keep a positive mindset. Finally, remember that your thoughts and beliefs have a powerful impact on your actions and outcomes. Cultivate a positive, growth-oriented mindset, and focus on the progress you're making rather than dwelling on the challenges.

Watch: Subscribe to our channel for more inspirational videos

Read: Get your copy of PIE for Professionals: What's My PIE? Proud. Inspired. Empowered for Professionals - Affirmations and Words of Encouragement .

Listen: This month's music pics from Nate Todd, our Road Manager.

May music selection

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