Should we go check on him? Suicide Prevention Month 2023

Should we go check on him? Suicide Prevention Month 2023

Parade Deck Staff Parade Deck Staff
3 minute read

Suicide Prevention Month 2023 - Should we go check on him?

Much like mental health conditions, suicidal thoughts don’t discriminate. They can affect anyone — whether you're a newly enlisted service member or a seasoned veteran, regardless of rank, gender, or background. It's an alarming reality that often, suicide is the result of an untreated mental health condition within our military ranks. While these thoughts might be common, especially in high-pressure environments like the armed forces, they are far from normal and frequently signal deeper issues.

September marks Suicide Prevention Month, a dedicated time to address this pressing concern within our military community. It's not just about raising awareness but also tearing down the walls of stigma that often surround this topic. This month, we're not only shifting the way we perceive mental health in the military but also striving to infuse hope. We aim to equip our soldiers, their friends, and families with the resources they need to actively discuss suicide prevention and seek help.

The following video echoes a familiar situation: A young Marine, isolated in his thoughts, sitting alone. His comrades, three fellow Marines, observe from a distance, wrestling with the decision to approach him. Doubts arise, with some thinking, "He'll pull through," but it only takes one Marine, one brother or sister-in-arms, to say, "I'm going to check on him."(Video by: U.S Marine Corps Video by Cpl. Yamil Casarreal and Lance Cpl. Christopher Mcmurry)

In the face of adversity, it's upon us to stand as a united front, to be the pillar of strength for our fellow soldiers. Let's make every month a time to "buddy check," ensuring that no military brother or sister feels alone in their fight. Together, we protect and take care of our own.

In recognition of the importance of mental well-being and solidarity among our ranks, we challenge you: Commit to a daily 'buddy check' for the next 30 days. Reach out to a fellow service member, a comrade, a friend. Ask them genuinely how they're feeling, listen to their stories, share your own, and remind them that they're not alone.

Such small acts can make profound impacts, breaking the chains of isolation and offering a lifeline to someone in need. As we stand together on the frontlines of life, let's also stand together in ensuring the mental and emotional well-being of our military family. Will you accept the challenge and make a difference?

If you're experiencing thoughts of suicide or feeling overwhelmed and discouraged, please know you're not alone. Reaching out for help is a sign of strength. Talk to someone you trust, be it a friend, family member, or professional. Your well-being is invaluable, and there are people who want and are trained to help.

Dial 988 and press 1 or call 1-800-273-8255

Should we say something to him? #SuicidePreventionMonth 2023

Second video by Video by Cpl. Karen Amaro (DVIDS)

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