I help people find their voice | Tony Taylor

I help people find their voice | Tony Taylor

Theresa Carpenter Theresa Carpenter
4 minute read

Welcome, dear listeners, to the 109th episode of Stories of Service! I'm thrilled to introduce our esteemed guest for today, Tony Taylor. An influential motivational speaker and consultant, Tony's journey is one that promises to enlighten and inspire.

The conversation starts with Tony sharing his personal journey and his struggle with public speaking. Despite his fears and anxieties, Tony describes how he would prepare himself for every speaking engagement with a prayer, asking for the strength to be the best motivational speaker he could be.

The discussion also touches on the difficulties of speaking out in situations where one feels silenced. Tony advises being calculated and finding allies to share one's story with. He stresses the importance of the message over the ego in public speaking, and the power of stories to connect and share our truths with others.

Tony’s fear of public speaking became a turning point in his life when he decided to be vocal about it. Despite the backlash and the threat of losing credibility, he openly admitted his fear during live interviews. This honesty led to unexpected support and inquiries from people who related to his fear and wanted to learn from his experience.

The conversation continues with Tony explaining how his career evolved over the years. Prompted by his son’s advice and the growing demands from his followers, he began focusing on helping others find their voice. Tony started training other speakers and working with individuals who had a fear of public speaking, navigating meetings, interviews, and presentations.

Tony shares his belief that everyone has a story and a passion that keeps them up at night. This passion, he suggests, could be the key to overcoming the fear of public speaking. He emphasizes the power of storytelling, advising people to avoid trying to sound smart or cute, and instead resonate with others through stories.

Meet the Guest: Tony Taylor


Tony Taylor stands as a beacon of empowerment, having traversed the challenging path of conquering his fear of public speaking. His personal struggles with this very fear became the catalyst for a transformative journey. Tony's evolution from a fearful speaker to a renowned coach and mentor has reshaped the lives of countless individuals.

As the founder of SpeakUniversity.org, Tony has dedicated himself to offering invaluable resources, training, and unwavering support to budding speakers. His impactful speaking engagements and coaching sessions have helped individuals break barriers, set meaningful goals, and embrace lives of fulfillment.

Tony's Inspirational Journey

The conversation with Tony kicks off by delving into his intimate journey, uncovering the roots of his battle with public speaking anxiety. Despite his apprehensions, Tony reveals his ritual of preparing for every speech with a prayer, seeking the strength to deliver his best.

A pivotal moment arose when Tony chose vulnerability over silence. He courageously admitted his fear during live interviews, inviting unexpected support and empathy from a community that resonated with his struggles.

The dialogue progresses to unveil Tony's evolution. Encouraged by his son's advice and the growing demand from his audience, he transitioned to coaching and mentoring aspiring speakers. His philosophy centers around the belief that everyone possesses a compelling story and a passion that, when shared authentically, can dissolve the fear of public speaking.

πŸ”‘ Key Takeaways

βœ… Embracing Fear: Transform fears into opportunities for growth.

βœ… Vulnerability Breeds Connection: Openness invites unexpected support and understanding.

βœ… Harnessing Passion: Speak from the heart about what truly moves you.

βœ… Power of Storytelling: Stories create profound connections with audiences.

βœ… Message Over Ego: Prioritize the impact of your message above personal insecurities.

βœ… Believe in Your Voice: Every individual holds a unique and valuable perspective.

βœ… Mentorship and Development: Guidance plays a pivotal role in achieving personal and professional goals.

πŸ’‘ Discussion Points

  1. Vulnerability as Strength: Utilize personal struggles as a foundation for compelling messages.
  2. Passion as a Driving Force: Speak passionately about what truly matters to you.
  3. Crafting Compelling Stories: Connect authentically through personal experiences.
  4. Finding Allies: Seek support in toxic environments to share your story.
  5. Structured Presentations: Organize thoughts coherently for impactful communication.
  6. Message-Centric Speaking: Shift focus from self to the importance of your message.
  7. Embracing Your Unique Voice: Recognize the value in your perspective and voice.

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