Special Episode #1: The Moment I Started Saying “I’m Sorry.”

Special Episode #1: The Moment I Started Saying “I’m Sorry.”

Mario P. Fields Mario P. Fields
10 minute read

In the latest episode of the Unarmored Talk podcast, hosts Mario and Nicole Fields embarked on a profound exploration of a simple yet profound phrase: "I'm sorry." The duo, known for their candid discussions, opened up about the pivotal role apologies played in their own lives, illustrating how the power of saying sorry extends far beyond mere words. Their heartfelt conversation delved into personal anecdotes, revealing the transformative impact an apology can have on relationships and personal growth.

They further discuss the importance of a sincere apology not only in romantic relationships but also in other aspects of life such as work, friendships, and family relationships. They emphasize that an apology does not erase the mistake but serves to acknowledge it, which is the first step towards change and growth.

This episode serves as a testament to the transformative power of an apology in relationships and personal growth, underlining the importance of owning up to one's mistakes and taking steps to rectify them. It encourages listeners to reflect on their actions and not hesitate to say "I'm sorry" when needed.

🔑 Key Takeaways:

  1. The Turning Point: Mario and Nicole shared a personal story from their early marriage, where a refusal to apologize led to a rift. Mario's realization that he needed to be more open and less stubborn paved the way for growth in their relationship.
  2. Apology and Acknowledgment: An apology doesn't erase a mistake; rather, it acknowledges it. This acknowledgement is the initial step towards positive change and growth in various relationships.
  3. Forgiveness and Understanding: While extending an apology is crucial, forgiveness isn't guaranteed. Nonetheless, offering an apology remains the right thing to do, fostering understanding and facilitating healing.

👉 Discussion Points:

The episode traversed through significant discussion points, highlighting the far-reaching implications of apologies. Mario and Nicole underscored the importance of apologies not just in romantic relationships but also in work dynamics, friendships, and family ties. They emphasized that a sincere apology serves as a catalyst for personal growth and promotes a deeper understanding between individuals.

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As the episode drew to a close, Mario and Nicole teased the next topic on forgiveness while adding a personal touch by mentioning their upcoming milestones: their 29th wedding anniversary and Nicole's 50th birthday. The episode served as a compelling testament to the transformative power of apologies, urging listeners to reflect on their actions and embrace the courage to say "I'm sorry" when necessary. It encapsulated the essence of humility, growth, and the ability to mend relationships through sincere apologies.

The Unarmored Talk's exploration of apologies stands as a beacon, illuminating the path towards reconciliation and personal evolution, showcasing that sometimes, the most potent changes start with two simple words: "I'm sorry."


Transcript by Buzzsprout


Welcome back to unarmored talk podcast. Thank you so much for listening and watching each episode and continue pleased to share with your friends and family members and colleagues and don't forget to leave a rating or review if you feel this is a awesome show and you can connect to all of my social media on the parade deck just looking at show notes or you can put in the search engine Mario P.


Fields parade deck and get all access to my social media. Well, let's get ready to interview another guest who is willing to remove their armor to help other people. Welcome back everybody to unarmored talk podcast this special episode that kick off 2024.


I want to say thank you to the unarmored talk enthusiast who requested for Nicole and I to come on and do like a special episode once a month. So here's the first one I'm your host Mario P. Fields and I'm Nicole Fields.


The video editor and the behind the scenes heroes everyone heroes I said heroes hero but yeah we got to cut no wrong unarmored talk raw so the theme we're gonna jump right into the topic because I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm the theme the topic for this special episode is the power of I'm sorry and meaning it but I wasn't always like that when we first got married what was it like when I could not say I'm sorry he couldn't Mario love to debate and he still does not go lie debate still loves to debate debate yes and not how about the scars well you can call it the baby now but yes he always left me look at the definition debate keep going keep telling me however it when we first met we would always

get into A debate.


An argument. Because of his debates. Or discussions. Here we go. Formal discussion. Yeah. Discussions. Where, you know, of course, he'd love to discuss. Yeah, there we go. An arm of talk, baby. Anyways, he would never say, I am sorry.


I was always the one that was like, you know what? This is ridiculous. Let me just go ahead and apologize. And I would tell him, babe, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. To one day I finally had enough. I was like, no, I'm done.


Done, sir. Done. So y 'all know how I found out she was done? Yeah, yeah. Let me tell you. An arm of talk. Special episode, removing our armor. She didn't tell me she was done. Y 'all know what she did?


Nicole is in the Navy and she worked at a squadron, VT86, Pinscola, Florida. Favourite Hawks. And we had one vehicle because we were poor, E3 and E2. Yeah, I was at E3, you were E3. It was E4 at that time.


Well, yeah, at that time, yes, E4. Yeah. And for those who haven't served in the military, we were entry -level employees. We just got hired at the bottom. You know what I'm saying? And so I called her work.


You know, it's time to go to lunch. Back then it was called Child Time when you on active duty. Yes. But I called and her colleagues, they answered the phone, and they was like, Nicole does not want to talk to you.


And I was like, what? And I can hear her in the background. They were like, it's Mario. It's, you know, it's, and she's like, I don't want to talk to him. Tell them why though. Tell them, tell them where you told your colleagues, fellow sailors.


I told them to tell him to relay the message that if he wanted to speak with me, he would have to say he was sorry because I was tired of being the first one to apologize when it wasn't even my fault.


So they did, they relayed him the message and said, she said, she don't want to talk to you until you say sorry. They did. And I was like, dang. So I had a choice. Either I could have reacted, which I was, you know, I was what?


I was 13 at the time. You know, but I was a rigid person. I was very emotional. You know, I reacted. I didn't think too much back then. I mean, I thought a lot, but didn't think through things. And so I thought through it and I said, man, you know what?


She's, she's not even right. She's accurate. Like she's right. I need to just, I need to stop being stubborn. Boyheaded. And like Nicole said, and like, like to debate to this day, I guess I still love No, he doesn't know it.


Y 'all know I'm joking. But I did. So I said, tell her, tell, tell Seaman, Seaman, right? E3 Seaman in the Navy. Yeah. I had to get it right. Y 'all. I said, tell her. I'm sorry. This Marine is saying he is, he's sorry.


As soon as they told her that she jumped on the phone and she was like, Oh my God, I love you so much. I didn't like. I was like, Oh my God. She did. She was like, Oh my God. Oh, Semper Fi is like, mind, she's never said that before.


And then growth. It was growth. Yeah. So the key thing about saying, I'm sorry is one, you got to mean it. And two, it's not just for relationships. No. Be for anything. Yep. Not personal relationships.


It could be for work. It could be, you know, any type of relationship, friendship relationships, children, your own children, it's okay to say sorry to your own kids. Anybody. I mean, personally, if I did wrong, and I know I did wrong, I'm gonna tell you I'm sorry, and I will apologize.


Yeah. And the thing about it is, it doesn't remove, you know, what you've done. I mean, it didn't erase Mario debating the hell out of his new young wife of, you know, a six months. No, I'm just joking.


But it made me change. Like I said, I'm not just gonna say I'm sorry, but I had to reflect and think about some of the behaviors that I was doing and why, and I started to change them. And I did, I did.


And I think that's what got us over the eight month mark of our marriage. So if there's someone, something, whatever, that you do some reflection and you know, maybe you were not as professional, maybe a little rigid, maybe you liked the debate.


It's never too late to say I'm sorry. It's never too late to say I'm sorry. So baby, I'm sorry for messing up at the beginning of this episode. Even when they do apologize, or you apologize, apologize doesn't mean you will be forgiven.


But just as long as you know you did the right thing and you apologized because you did something wrong. And with that, the next month's special episode, we will talk about forgiveness and how to do that.


Because we've been married once this episode, let me see, we'll, this episode today, January 4th. So we'll publish this tonight. So within 15 days plus 10 on top of that 25 days, we will celebrate 24 days.


On January 28th, we will celebrate 29 years of matrimony and Nicole turns 37. I don't think it's plus some. Fabulous 50, baby. She don't care about it. She looks great. Fabulous 50. Fabulous 50. Yeah, yeah.


So next month we'll talk about forgiveness because after 29 years, we are not perfect. No, we are not. I had to forgive Nicole for being short. You know what I'm saying? I'm not. I've had to ask for forgiveness myself.


Until next time, we'll see you guys next month for another special episode of Mario and Nicole. Remove their armor to help other people. We love you guys. Be safe. God bless. And amen. Thank you for listening to this most recent episode and remember you can listen and watch all of the previous episodes on my YouTube channel.


The best way to connect to me and all of my social media is follow me on the parade deck that is www .parade deck .com or you can click on the link in the show notes. I'll see you guys soon.

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