Community Builder and Storyteller w/ Heather Parady

Community Builder and Storyteller w/ Heather Parady

Theresa Carpenter Theresa Carpenter
2 minute read

Community Builder and Storyteller - Heather Parady S.O.S. Podcast #65

In this podcast, I discuss the meaning of service, how to break free from rigid beliefs, and the importance of protecting your energy from toxic people, with my guest Heather Parady. She shares valuable insights and tips, including the importance of taking yourself seriously and owning your gifts and talents. Heather Parady is a community builder and storyteller who helps people become more confident and fulfilled in their personal and professional lives. 

Meet Our Guest - Heather Parady 

Heather Parady - Community Builder

Heather Parady is a well-known community builder and storyteller who has made it her mission to empower people and help them become more confident and fulfilled in their professional and personal lives. She has a wealth of experience and expertise in this field, having helped countless individuals and organizations achieve their goals.

As the host of the highly regarded "Unconventional Leaders" podcast, Heather has gained a reputation for her insightful interviews and thought-provoking discussions on a wide range of topics related to leadership, personal development, and entrepreneurship. Her guests are experts in their respective fields, and their stories and insights provide valuable lessons and inspiration for listeners.

In addition to her podcast, Heather is also the founder of "The Weekly Parady," a popular newsletter that provides entrepreneurs and creatives with a regular dose of inspiration and resources. Each issue is packed with practical tips, advice, and insights that readers can apply to their own lives and businesses.

🎉 Key Takeaways:

Throughout the podcast, Heather shares valuable insights and tips on various topics.

✅ Service means being completely lit up and honoring what brings you joy and fulfillment.

✅ To break free from rigid beliefs, focus on what is in your control and eliminate small micro-moments of communication that drain your energy.

✅ Protect your energy from toxic people by setting boundaries and not being afraid to say no.

✅ Take yourself seriously and own your gifts and talents.

Watch Full Episode 



Parade Deck - Theresa Carpenter

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